Dare to be Different Fashion Show 2016

Good morning fellow fashionistas and all you lovely people, some fabulously exciting news for you all!

All that had attended the Dare to be Different Fashion Show 2014 know it is all about class, inspiration and unique style.
Well, there is something exciting and luxuriously glamorous in the foothold.

Be prepared to look forward to the Dare to be Different Fashion Show 2016!
This time it is going to be much more bigger, stylish and featuring a star guest.
...But still in aid of a good cause.

If anyone would like to be considered or would like to contribute in any way, please leave me a message in order to apply.
Thank you.

Please like the page at www.facebook.com/daretobedifferentfashionshow

Twitter: @DTBDFashionShow
Instagram: DareToBeDifferent2016

 Have a fabulous day! :-)

Love and Inspo.

Jas oxo

#Fashion #Charity #MakeADifference #DTBD #Unique #Style
